Thursday, February 7, 2013


Last month Boyfriend and I went to Seattle. Why Seattle in January you ask? We are pro's at going places off season. We were actually planning on going to Hawaii but that didn't end up working and we post-poned. Ryan wanted to do a city trip this time since our last trip was Puerto Rico. He kept bringing up Seattle. It was the weekend after Ryan's birthday, we needed to escape Salt Lake and its terrible inversion, I had to get away from work before I lost my sanity, and I had never been to Seattle. So Seattle it was, and I loved it!

First of all have you ever heard of airbnb? Check it out if you haven't. There are places listed all over the world. People list their empty or extra rooms, condos, apartments, guest houses etc. It a great way to rent a place to stay and some of the time its cheaper than a hotel and a lot more comfortable. We got an apartment in the heart of downtown Seattle through airbnb and she even went down on the price. We had a 800 sq ft apartment to ourselves with kitchen, bathroom, wifi, tv, bed, just about everything we needed for like $60 a night. It was awesome.

Seattle is everything I thought it would be foggy, beautiful, and ahead of the game in the things that matter like recycling and public transportation. The thing I was expecting but wasn't really prepared for was the food! Oh man! The food was heaven. I didn't have one meal I didn't enjoy. It got to the point where I was writing down every place we ate at so I could recommend places to anyone that goes to Seattle. So, if you need recommendations, i've got em! I regret not takes pictures of the food, the place, and writing a little review. It was that awesome and fun to go eat out in Seattle. Maybe on my next trip i'll turn into a foodie. If you know me well, you know I get sick easily. Tummy aches all the time. I have a really sensitive stomach. In Seattle, I didn't get sick. From any food. Yes i'm very careful about what I order. I know what will upset my stomach. But in Seattle I was a little bit more free about my food choices, and felt fine. I love that majority of the places we went used organic & local ingredients.The quality of the food is what i'm attributing to my stomach ache free trip. But i'll spare you all from my food rants in this blog post.

After a one night lay over to see my beloved Grandparents in CA we caught the early morning flight from Long Beach to Seattle. I'm so glad I got to spend time with my Grandparents, even if it wan't for very long. It was so special to me. I don't get to see them often and it just made me appeciate and love them even more than I already did. I was luck enough to hear them be interviewed by a high school girl and learn about how life was when they were growing up and how they fell in love. I cherished every minute of it. Once Ryandand I got to Seattle the next morning, we took the public train from the airport to downtown. We are talking $5 vs a $45 cab ride. Hello, easy choice. Once we got settled in our first stop was the famous, adorable, and touristy Pike's Place Market. I have been told this place is packed during the summer. So i'm glad we went when we could actually walk around without crowds. Here's a few pictures from our first day at the market. Some are iphone pictures and some are from the canon rebel we are learning how to use..

Ryan's Salmon sandwhich on a fresh baguette from The Market Grill and
my delcious savory crepe from Crepe De France, both found at Pike's Place Market
For those of you that haven't been to Pikes Place there is more than fresh produce, fresh seafood, bakers, flowers, dried flowers, vendors of all kinds, jewelry, art, more food, and in the lower levels there are stores. The vintage poster and print store was my favorite. We came back to Pikes place on our last night  to see the Gum wall that in my opinion was pretty gross.  (Sorry the pictures are kinda blurry it was a quick night time snap shot) And I just had to add to my ring collection.

this face sums up what I thought of the wall...

my new rings!
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