Friday, December 31, 2010


Here is a little rehash on my Christmas and the month of December. It has gone by so quickly! I always get sad once Christmas is over, total post-Christmas-depression. But, seeing as how New Year's Day is tomorrow, I better get this Christmas post out there in the cyber world. And since blogging is all about the lists here is one for you!
  • seeing lights at Temple Square with sisters and dad
  • skyping with sister in India multiple times
  • going ice skating at Gallivan on Christmas Eve
  • Having family over Christmas Eve for a feast and festivities
  • Dollar Tree reindeer antlers that I seemed to wear whenever I could
  • wearing an ugly Christmas sweater to work
  • decorating my apartment (did the lights on my tree all by myself, i'm a big girl, I know)
  • getting new Pj's and a new ornament
  • Christmas Story "ah the bumpus hounds" seems to be the quote of our family for the past week or so
  • many tears of joy Christmas morning when sisters opened gifts they adored
  • making English toffee (failed the 1st time, killed it the 2nd time)
  • making yarn wreaths
  • trip to Idaho for Grandpa's b-day and white elephant gift exchange
  • my first Jazz game!! Go D-Will!!
  • going to some Christmas parties, 3 to be exact
  • get A's in both of my classes :)
  • being completely shocked when I opened up a new laptop..
  • my Charlie Brown Christmas tree, one of my favorite decorations
    the lights at Temple Square with Dad and sisters
    after we got our new pj's, showing our new ornaments
    Ice skating!
    cheering for the Jazz with my friend Gabby
    my favorite Christmas sweater that my mom actually used to wear..
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It really is the best time of year. And may this New Year be even better than the last!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I'm okay being in my apartment, sick laying in bed when I get to look at the precious tree by my bed and my big tree through the doorway :)

sorry for the quality, cell phone snap shot
and shhh don't tell, i'm eating a bowl of pink peppermint ice cream instead of soup..

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I've been thinking about some of my favorite Christmas memories today.. If any of you know my mother, then you'd know Christmas is a pretty big deal at our house so i've got memories and traditions galore. Here are some of my favs;
  • Waking up in the morning in CA to find a piece of Santa's suit stuck in the fireplace and huge white foot prints on the tile.
  • Staying up late on Christmas Eve while my sisters sleep and read Christmas books.
  • The drama of taking picture after lining up on the stair youngest to oldest Christmas morning. "Who's breathing their morning breath on me", "I look ugly", "so-and-so'd feet are touching me".
  • Mom and Dad stalling Christmas morning by taking pictures, turning on the music and the setting up of the video camera.
  • Getting a cell phone Junior year and crying my eyes out. Dad found one last present behind the tree afer we were done and it was my first phone.  
  • Laying under the Christmas tree after its all decorated.
  • One year we delivered gifts to a needy family, I don't remember much about that night cause I was young, but I remember being freezing, running away quickly, and loving the feeling afterwards.
  • Watching all the Christmas claymation movies.
  • Dancing to Lady Gaga all Christmas day at my dads last year.
  • Being so proud of my moms decorations and lights.
I've got so many happy memories of Christmas and so many good feelings when I think about it. I hope there are many more to come!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

some people

Shout out to the person who commented on a post saying "no one gives a $#!&" and left it anonymous. Real cool. I hate when people sign things anonymous its cowardly. I used to give people the benefit of the doubt and I always thought that people were generally good...I'm slowly realizing I am very wrong. What a sad lesson to learn. On a lighter note, I love December and Christmas (I get it from my mom). The whole month of December is amazing. I love the music, the smell, the decorations, all the holiday stuff in the stores, its wonderful! I'm going to finish decorating my tree tonight. It's fake. I hate fake trees but i'm hardly home so I can't take care of a real tree. Plus if my cats are eating my fake tree, imagine what they'd do to my real one!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

rushed family trips

Briana, Allie, Mom, Grandpa Olson, Grandma Olson, Nicole, moi,
and Meganat Graham's Wedding
Time keeps passing me by and I realize I'm not good at writing posts on a regular basis, then lots of stuff happens and I can't decide what to write about etc etc complain complain. Anyways......... two weekends ago it was my Step brother Graham's wedding in Southern Cali. Thank heavens I had a legitimate reason to leave work and go to one of my favorite places ever, Irvine. I haven't been back to CA in probably 5 years and I hate myself for that. After we moved to Utah in the 90's we went back to Irvine every single summer, for weeks at a time. Then life hit, and I grew up and had to have a job and ever since then I haven't been able to afford a summer time vaca. Even though our weekend trip was just wedding business and very rushed, I had time to go to Newport beach and even go get a balboa bar :) (always rainbow sprinkles on one side and oreo on the other, absolute heaven). The wedding was beautiful! It was also fun to spend time with the whole fam-damily. Even though we wanted to murder each other by the end of the trip. Seriously. I'm a little familied out for the time being but I still love them! Thursday morning my sister Nicole flew out to India, i'm so jealous. If I wasn't in school I would have gone too. This past weekend was my cousin's wedding reception in Grace, Idaho (another one of my favorite places). We drove up that day and drove home that night. No matter how much I hate coming back to dreaded work, i'm always glad to come home. I'm also more happy then ever that I have my own apartment. I love having my OWN space even if i'm broke everyday. I really thought i'd be scared to live on my own, but I love it. I recommend everyone try living on their own for some point in their life.
Sisters at Newport Beach 88* in November :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween (yesterday..)

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Monday night for me was Thriller with the baby sis, an excellent way to get in the Halloween spirit. I couldn't help but die of laughter every time the little zombie girls came up to my little sister. Friday night was walking around with my mom in freaky masks in the neighborhood and trying to scare everyone.  There was also pumpkin carving and cookie decorating with the fam. My little step brothers pumpkin was so thick a saw was literally used. Not to mention I spooked my poor little employees while they were closing at night with my little sister and brother in scary masks.Saturday was running around scrambling last minutes for my lion costume, helping sister and dad get their costumes ready, stopping by a house party or two, and late night burrito scarfing. Sunday was cuddle up in bed and watch Halloween movies (only children's ones because I get to scared, especially because I live on my own, pathetic I know). My costume didn't turn out exactly how i'd imagined but i'm pretty happy with the over all product. I also discovered that i've got tons of hair and if its crimped, it will get so big an elastic wont even fit around it. I'd have to say October has been a good one.

Monday, October 18, 2010

fall so far

So much has happened since my last post and since each day is flying by without a minutes to spare. I hate how fast time flies as you get older... so, here are some highlights (bad and mostly good) of the last few weeks:
  • I turned 21 on the 26th of September :)
  • Work has taken a turn for the worst...
  • I got to see my Mickelson Grandparents for my Grandma's birthday on Oct. 9th
  • I went to the farmers market downtown for the first time and loved it!
  • I bought my first table for my apartment (but i'm going to use it as a desk)
  • I made my first pie for my dad's birthday Oct. 10th. Yes I bought the crust and the glaze was a little thick, but hey i'm still proud!
  • I got a new pair of combat boots (which already broke but I love them so much i'm going to fix them..)
  • I completed my first mid term since 2007 (and it was only performing a dance but yet again i'm still proud!)
  • A good friend came and visited.
  • I baked more pies and they were basically perfect this time.  
  • my car insurance went down like $13 woohoo
  • I made a fall wreath with my mom to finally have some decorations in my apartment
  • I played at a vegetable/fruit stand with my sisters for hours and this was the result:
Happy Autumn everyone!

Monday, September 13, 2010


For any of you that know me, you know I'm very close to my littlest sister Allie. Today it's her 12th Birthday! So crazy that 12 years ago today she was born, man how time flies!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Those of you who know me well know that I am very passionate about music. I get it from my Dad. I'm always on the hunt for new music and I love engulfing myself in it. But tonight, tonight I rekindled my love with an old flame. Coldplay. I don't know what it is about tonight but it hit the spot. I love you Coldplay :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

these are a few of my favorite Idaho things..

Here are a few pictures from my quick Idaho trip last weekend
Great Grandpa's farm

my cute Grandparents

the beautiful sunsets
Aunt and Uncles house and property
this picture speaks for itself..
the picturesque land
the fair and all it has to offer
the animals
Grandma and Grandpa's house

Friday, August 13, 2010


Megan is the one 3rd from the left and i'm the
one falling forward alone in the center :)
This weekend while I was up in Grace, Idaho at the Caribou County fair I had the determination to get hypnotized with my little sister Megan. They always have multiple hypnotist shows at the fair and when we watched the earlier show on Saturday we knew we had to do it. We sat in the front of the Saturday night show and ran into the isle jumping up and down when he asked for volunteers. He picked us both. My heart was racing because I wasn't sure it was going to work on me since most of the "tester tricks" you do with your hands to see if your mind is able to be hypnotized don't work on me. My sister was out cold and everything happened quickly for her. For me it took a longer and I know if it were to be done on me again i'd go in deeper, I think I was nervous. What I didn't know is that being hypnotized it basically a really deep relaxation. Its not some sleeping-mind-control-body-control-out-of-control-thing. You know what you're doing and you wont do anything against your normal morals. You can see the crowd, you just want to do what the hypnotist says and he actually gets in touch with some real deep emotions. I cried multiple times ha apparently when a chipmunk got ran over, and when he had a Chuckie doll floating through the air. According to everyone we were some of the stars of the show causing an enormous amount of laughter. It is really hard to put into words and explain the experience. It's crazy because after its all said and done you feel so relaxed. This blog is probably all over the place because it literally is so hard to describe in words what happens and how you feel. I would have paid big bucks to get it on video camera! Even though I remember most of it, I'd like to have seen what I did and see what I don't remember. I will for sure make this a tradition and we will definitely get hypnotized again next year :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

crazy and amazing

Many crazy and amazing things happened this weekend so I'm going to give a little run down before my terrible memory kicks in..

Thursday- I got into my 1st fight at the Girl Talk concert... and it was great. I won and walked away with a few scratches. My dad taught me how to punch correctly while her dad must have taught her how to scratch. Don't worry it was quick and harmless.

Friday- I talked to a counselor and I'm going back to school! Yay me. I'm just going to SLCC but I found out that with my 1 semester at BYU and my high school AP courses and concurrent enrollment I only have 1 full time semester left until I've got my associates. I'm going part time so I can still manage my store and work full time to pay my bills.

Saturday- I had dinner with an old friend at Ruth's Diner up the canyon and a waiter said I looked like Blake Lively (if you know me, that's a big deal) But, the high light of Saturday had to be sneaking into the Manhattan to Salsa dance with a whole bunch of illegal immigrants that my best friend works with. We had to get past a huge Navajo security guard who let us in after a little flirt from Ryan's co-worker (that had never worked for me before). After anxiety and not knowing a word being said around me, I let go and had a blast. I was actually pretty good at Salsa dancing for a beginner. Oh what an adventure..

Sunday- A giant group of people grabbed our tubes and other gear and floated the Weber river. I woke up today with bruises, scratches and my 1st bad sunburn of the year on my legs. Regardless it was incredible and really fun!  Definitely a Sunday funday ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

good times

I've been thinking about friends a lot lately and the people in my life that I really cherish. I'm very selective when it comes to who I open up to and let into my life, I'm very picky. But i've been lucky to find some amazing souls and no matter where they are in this world or where they are going, I'm so lucky to have them!

On that note, last Sunday I went to Lagoon with my bestie Ryan. We used discount passes for Catholic day (even though we aren't Catholic ha) and had a blast. There were lots of laughs and it was fun to just take our time and do whatever we wanted. Despite the unfortunate amount of "ghetto" and dare I say "ugly".. (and if you've been to Lagoon then you have some idea of what we experienced) we had a great time. We might even 'bounceback' ..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

with every bad thing comes something good

With every bad thing something good comes along, i'm sure of this and Sunday was a prime example

Bad thing- no one could come swimming with me for this reason or that
Good thing- Ryan got off of work early and save the day
Bad thing- the pool my ladlord gave me an access pass to is closed on Sundays
Good thing- so Ryan and I went swimming at my Dad's pool in Draper and it was nice and sunny all day
Bad thing- on the way there my car almost over heated waiting in stupid traffic
Good thing- my Dad's friend with the baby raccoon had it with her so I got to see the baby again!
Bad thing- we got maced... on accident
Good thing- we had delicious in-n-out
Bad thing- hair oil spilled all over the inside of my purse
Good thing- Alisha came to play with us
Bad thing- it rained while we were at Sugarhouse park
Good thing- it was warm rain

But over all I love my Sundays and swimming with my dearest friend Ryan

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Say hello to the newest edition to the wall decor family of my new apartment..

Now, if only I can get myself to move in. I've been putting it off trying to enjoy living in a more house-like place for the last few days. I'm kinda sad to leave my duplex for an old apartment, even though i'm just moving down the street. But hey at least I can say I am 100% percent independent, and that feels good.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

something I really miss

As of late, I have really been missing dancing  and this photo didn't help one bit..

Friday, May 14, 2010

i did it

I did it.
I signed my soul to the devil this morning (until May 31, 2011 that is) and got my own one bedroom apartment! I'm sad to leave my cute duplex but im just moving down the street. I'll post some pictures once I move everything in! Even after the legal-document-signing-anxiety-attack i'm getting excited for the future :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

there's a monster..

There is a monster under my covers! I found him just yesterday. He is continually surprising me hiding in new places. The monsters name is Laika..

and he's my crazy cat

Thursday, April 29, 2010

2010 Twilight Concert Series

Anyone that knows me well knows that the Twilight concert series is one of my all time favorite things about summertime in the SLC. This morning, the partial line up was announced and after reading this to see what they were i've got to be honest, I'm hoping the empty spots and TBA's will make this line up better. Don't get me wrong I am very excited about a few gigs like this one...

Just cross your fingers for more awesome music to ring through Salt Lake this summer, I sure am!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

everyone has at least 1 blogging confession, here's mine

If writing a blog is like talking to your invisible friend that you tell all of your secrets to and confesses until you heart is content, here is my confession:

Sometimes I just want to dance to dirty rap all night long. I guess those hip hop beats hit me deep and I just can't help it.

There you have it. I guess my taste in music isn't perfect after all..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

i chose to feel it

"It's nothing but time and a face that you lose
I chose to feel it and you couldn't choose
I'll write you a postcard
I'll send you the news
From a house down the road from real love..."

[Your Ex-Lover Is Dead by Stars]

sex and the city

I finally finished all six seasons of my new favorite show Sex and The City and I basically loved it. It's that simple. And yes, I know i'm a little bit late on the band wagon but better late then never right? Plus i'm just in time for the second movie!

Who knows, maybe i'll move to New York one day live life like Carrie Bradshaw does. New York is one of my dreams...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Utah really is beautiful

My favorite time of year is always spring. The sun starts to kiss my skin and I can't stop staring at and photographing all of the blossoms. Yesterday was a perfect spring day. I spent this lovely spring Sunday hiking up Millcreek Canyon with my dear friend Ryan for a few good miles and a few good hours. I do have to admit, Utah is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. I can't even deny it. The mountains are breathtaking and the serenity is amazing. Aside from the beauty of yesterday, we kick started Sunday funday and I can't wait to see what adventures we'll come across!